Erlang and Elixir for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Hey there, tech enthusiasts, have you heard about Erlang and Elixir? They are powerful programming languages used to build fault-tolerant and scalable applications that can handle millions of concurrent connections.

But did you know that these functional programming languages are also gaining popularity in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence? Well, if you didn't, then read on and learn why Erlang and Elixir are a perfect fit for ML and AI applications.

First, let's discuss what Erlang and Elixir are and what makes them special.

Erlang - The Language Behind Telecom Giants

Erlang is a programming language that was originally designed for telecommunication systems at Ericsson, a Swedish telecommunications company. It was created in the late 1980s and has since expanded to include other industries like finance, gaming, and healthcare.

Erlang is best known for its ability to handle concurrent processes and maintain system stability. It has built-in mechanisms for error handling and fault tolerance, so even when one process or node fails, the entire system can continue running without any downtime.

Erlang has been used by companies like WhatsApp, Ericsson, Cisco, Klarna, and many others to build scalable, fault-tolerant, and resilient systems. But Erlang also has the potential for machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

Elixir - A Modern Take on Erlang

Elixir is a relatively new programming language that was built on top of Erlang. It was created by José Valim, a former member of the Rails core team, to bring modern programming practices and a fresh syntax to the Erlang ecosystem.

Elixir is also designed for concurrency and distributed systems, and it inherits many of the capabilities of Erlang. However, Elixir adds a few more features, such as metaprogramming, and it has an easier-to-learn syntax that makes it more accessible to developers.

Elixir is still relatively new, but it has gained a lot of popularity in the web development industry. Companies like Pinterest, Bleacher Report, and Discord have all used Elixir to build scalable and fault-tolerant web applications.

So, why are Erlang and Elixir perfect for machine learning and artificial intelligence applications?

Why Erlang and Elixir are a Perfect Fit for ML and AI

Erlang and Elixir are both functional programming languages, meaning that they are well-suited for handling complex and repetitive operations. Machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms often require a lot of repetitive computations on large datasets, which can be difficult to manage in imperative languages.

Functional programming languages like Erlang and Elixir can also be easily distributed across many nodes, which makes them ideal for building large-scale and distributed machine learning applications.

But perhaps the most important reason why Erlang and Elixir are perfect for ML and AI is their ability to handle concurrency and parallelism. Machine learning algorithms often require a lot of parallel computations, and Erlang and Elixir have been designed from the ground up to handle these types of computations.

Erlang and Elixir also have built-in mechanisms for error handling and fault tolerance, which is essential for large-scale machine learning applications. If one node or process fails, the entire system can continue running without any downtime, ensuring that the machine learning algorithms can continue running uninterrupted.

So, whether you are building a recommendation engine, a natural language processing system, or a computer vision algorithm, Erlang and Elixir can help you build scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

Open-Source Libraries for Erlang and Elixir ML and AI

There are several open-source libraries available for Erlang and Elixir that you can use to build machine learning and artificial intelligence applications. Here are just a few:

TensorFlow Erlang

TensorFlow is one of the most popular machine learning libraries in the world, and now you can use it in Erlang. TensorFlow Erlang provides a high-level API for building deep learning models in Erlang, making it easy to build complex neural networks and train them on large datasets.

Elixir Num

Elixir Num is a library for numerical computing in Elixir. It provides a comprehensive set of functions for working with matrices, linear algebra, and statistics, making it an excellent tool for building machine learning algorithms.

Tsetlin Machines

Tsetlin Machines are a new class of machine learning algorithms that are based on propositional logic. They have been shown to outperform traditional deep learning approaches in many scenarios, and now you can use them in Erlang. Tsetlin Machines Erlang provides a fast and efficient implementation of these algorithms, making it easy to use them in your Erlang ML applications.

Erlang and Elixir in Production

Erlang and Elixir are used in production by some of the world's largest tech companies, including WhatsApp, Klarna, Discord, and Pinterest, to name a few.

Erlang and Elixir's ability to handle massive amounts of concurrent connections, fault tolerance, and distributed computing has made them a perfect fit for companies that require a high level of reliability and scalability.

So, if you are building an ML or AI application that requires high scalability, fault tolerance, and distributed computing, then Erlang and Elixir are two programming languages that you should definitely consider.


Erlang and Elixir are two functional programming languages that have been designed from the ground up to handle complex, concurrent, and distributed systems. They are a perfect fit for building large-scale and fault-tolerant machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

With libraries like TensorFlow Erlang, Elixir Num, and Tsetlin Machines Erlang, it's easier than ever to build complex machine learning algorithms in Erlang and Elixir.

So, if you are looking for a new and powerful programming language to build your next ML or AI application, then you should definitely consider Erlang and Elixir. They may just be the secret weapons you need to build scalable and efficient algorithms that can handle millions of concurrent connections.

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed