Top 10 Reasons to Use Erlang for Your Next Project

Are you looking for a programming language that can handle massive amounts of data, provide high availability, and scale easily? Look no further than Erlang! This powerful language has been used by companies like WhatsApp, Ericsson, and Klarna to build reliable, fault-tolerant systems that can handle millions of users. In this article, we'll explore the top 10 reasons why you should consider using Erlang for your next project.

1. Concurrency

Erlang was designed from the ground up to handle concurrency. It uses lightweight processes, which are much cheaper to create and manage than traditional threads. This means that you can create thousands or even millions of processes without worrying about running out of resources. Erlang also provides a message-passing model for communication between processes, which makes it easy to build distributed systems.

2. Fault tolerance

Erlang was designed for telecom systems, where downtime is not an option. As a result, it has built-in support for fault tolerance. Erlang processes can crash without bringing down the entire system, and the language provides mechanisms for detecting and handling errors. This means that you can build systems that are resilient to failures and can recover quickly from errors.

3. Scalability

Erlang's concurrency model and fault tolerance features make it easy to scale your system horizontally. You can add more nodes to your cluster as needed, and Erlang will automatically distribute the workload across the nodes. This means that you can handle massive amounts of traffic without worrying about bottlenecks or performance issues.

4. High availability

Erlang's fault tolerance features also make it easy to build highly available systems. You can use Erlang's distributed architecture to create redundant nodes that can take over if one node fails. This means that your system can continue to operate even if there are hardware or network failures.

5. Functional programming

Erlang is a functional programming language, which means that it treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions. This makes it easy to reason about your code and to write programs that are easy to test and maintain. Functional programming also makes it easy to write parallel and distributed programs, since there are no shared mutable state or side effects.

6. Pattern matching

Erlang's pattern matching feature makes it easy to write concise and expressive code. You can use pattern matching to match on data structures, function arguments, and even messages between processes. This makes it easy to write code that is easy to read and understand.

7. Hot code reloading

Erlang's hot code reloading feature allows you to update your code without stopping the system. This means that you can deploy new versions of your code without any downtime. This is especially useful for systems that need to be available 24/7.

8. OTP

Erlang comes with a set of libraries and tools called OTP (Open Telecom Platform) that make it easy to build complex systems. OTP provides a set of design patterns and best practices for building fault-tolerant, scalable, and distributed systems. It includes libraries for handling processes, messaging, networking, and more.

9. Community

Erlang has a vibrant and active community of developers who are constantly improving the language and its ecosystem. There are many open source libraries and tools available for Erlang, and the community is always willing to help newcomers get started.

10. Elixir

Finally, if you're looking for a more modern and expressive syntax for Erlang, you can try Elixir. Elixir is a language that runs on the Erlang VM and provides a more Ruby-like syntax. It also includes many features that make it easier to write concurrent and distributed programs, such as macros and a powerful metaprogramming system.


Erlang is a powerful and versatile language that is well-suited for building fault-tolerant, scalable, and distributed systems. Its concurrency model, fault tolerance features, and functional programming paradigm make it easy to write code that is easy to reason about and maintain. With its vibrant community and powerful OTP libraries, Erlang is a great choice for your next project. So why not give it a try?

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed